February 2024 Newsletter

February 29, 2024 at 1:12 PM |
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Introducing our Partnership with Keyhubs!


Untitled design-2-Feb-21-2024-03-03-05-6330-PMOur workforce resilience and belonging work is one way we equip and support child welfare systems to transform to UnSystems — innovative and reimagined ways of work. A critical component of this work is data-driven assessment and impact inquiry. We are thrilled to partner with Keyhubs™ in this work to help systems understand their networks of organizational influence and use that data to identify high-impact levers for change.

Keyhubs™ offers patented software technology that combines real-time relationship mapping with personalized 360 feedback, providing insight into the unseen connections within an organization. This technology is utilized to identify existing hubs of connection, areas of disconnection and isolation, and new opportunities to connect, leading to increased workplace wellbeing and a culture of belonging — both required to create the stable foundation needed to engage in system transformation.


If this work sparks your interest, let’s connect!


News & Insights

from Team Alia

Here are some ideas that got us thinking this month. Visit our website to read the full-length posts, and join us in the conversations online!

  • The Power of Value Laden Language. Senior Fellow Debi Grebenik shares how our word choice reveals our biases and may be critical or judgmental. To address this, we can use different words to create mindset shifts, and those mindset shifts translate into different behaviors that shape better outcomes.
  • Transformational Leadership: Sustainable Change. What is transformational leadership and why is it effective? Jordyn Jenkins, Alia's intern and current staff member of Rock County DHS, reflects on her experience with transformational leaders within Alia's work and Rock County.

Resource Spotlights

Bright Spot newsletter graphic-3This month, we're highlighting the Bright Spot resource Multidisciplinary wraparound legal services, a defense model that involves attorneys, paralegals, social workers, peer parents, and other advocates that helps parents involved with the system maintain custody or reunite with their children.

The Family Advocacy Unit (FAU) of the Community Legal Services of Philadelphia has successfully implemented this model, leading to a reduction in time youth spend in foster care by an average of four months, quicker family reunification, and cost reduction. Explore this resource and more on the Bright Spots website!


Bright Spot newsletter graphic-4The third module in our UnSystem Toolkit is What is an UnSystem? which explores the shift in mindset required to align system partners’ visions, engage in community-wide collaboration, and build the urgency to construct a prevention-based, family-driven system. 

This module introduces the concept of an UnSystem, building a framework for change, and provides strategies to promote family resilience and wellbeing. Visit our website to learn more about the UnSystem Toolkit and all of its modules, introducing you and your team to the fundamentals of change!